Big Joe

"The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe," according to the famous song by legendary Canadian singer/songwriter Stompin' Tom Connors. "Big Joe Mufferaw" is often regarding as Canada's answer to Paul Bunyan: a family-friendly lumberjack whose monumental feats of strength literally changed the Ontario landscape. But the lovable, larger-than-life character is based on a real person: Joseph Montferrand, a French-Canadian folk hero whose exploits made him a living legend in 1800s Montreal and Ottawa. In this episode we'll look at the man, the myth, and the legend, and explore how one man went on to inspire a series of children's books, a hit Canadian folk song, and a CFL mascot.
Special thanks to Patrick of the Historia Canadiana podcast for his vocal performance.
Bedore, Bernie. Tall Tales of Joe Mufferaw. Toronto, ON: Consolidated Amethyst Communications, 1979.
Bedore, Bernie. Mythical Mufferaw. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press, 1994.
Cross, Michael S. “The Shiners’ War: Social Violence in the Ottawa Valley in the 1830s.” The Canadian Historical Review, Vol. LIV, No I, March 1973.
Connor, J. J. (1986). The Legend of Joseph Montferrand and its Scientific Context in the 1880s. Ethnologies, 8(1-2), 7–20.
Filoso, Santino. “A surprising, disappointing, yet understandable move.” Defend the R (, March 31, 2014. Accessed November 2022.
Finnigan, Joan and Bedore, Bernie. “Joe Mufferaw.” ‘I Come From the Valley.’ Toronto, ON: New Canada Publications, 1976, pp 135-137.
Finnigan, Joan. Giants of the Ottawa Valley. General Store Publishing House, Renfrew ON: August 2005, pp 13-33.
Fowke, Edith and Pattison, Jean. “On the Trail of Joe Mufferaw.” Tales Told in Canada. Toronto, ON, Doubleday Canada Limited, 1986, pp75-80
Lemieux Gilles, « La vie de l’illustre Joe Montferrand par Sir Wilfrid Laurier », Asticou, cahier no 8 (décembre 1971), p. 27-34.
McKay, Donald. The Lumberjacks. Toronto, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.
Monteiro, George, “Histoire de Montferrarzd: L ‘Atlzlete Calladien and Joe Muf- feraw’: Journal of Allzerican Folklore, 73 (1960) 24-34. (Monteiro quotes from Upper Mississippi: A IYilderness Saga, New York, 1937, p. 182.)
Neill, S.D. “Joe Mufferaw: Ottawa Valley Legend.” Canadian Children’s Literature, 18/19 (1980) 85-86.
Neill, S.D. “More on Mufferaw.” Canadian Children’s Literature, 29 (1983) 85-86.
Rhindress, Charlie. Stompin’ Tom Connors: The Myth and the Man. Halifax, NS: Formac Publishing, 2019, p 126-127.
Sulte, Benjamin. Translated by Iris M. Neville. The History of Joseph Montferrand, The Canadian Athlete, aka Joe Mufferaw. Bytown Pamphlet Series No 74, The Historical Society of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON: October, 2008.
Sulte, Benjamin. Histoire de Jos. Montferrand, l’athète canadien. C. O. Beachemin & FIls, Libraires-Imprimeurs, Montreal, QC: 1899
Walker, Harry J. “Ottawa Valley Days: Barging into ‘Shiners’ Dance.” The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, ON: 24 May 1935, p 16.
“Old-Time Stuff: John Derby.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 24 January 1925, p. 2
“Old-Time Stuff: Reminiscences of the Ottawa of Earlier Days…Albert Lecomte” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 8 March 1924, p. 21
“Old-Time Stuff: Stirring Life Story…Maxime St. Jean.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 7 June 1924, p. 2
“Old-Time Stuff: Justus Merrifield.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 25 July 1931, p. 28
“NCC won’t demolish Bytown giant’s haunt.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 17 August 1963, p. 15
“Joe Montferrand Makes the Grade.” The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, ON: 14 September 1966, p. 30
“‘Big Joe’ Was Hull’s Paul Bunyan.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 21 June 1950, p. 19
“Joe Montferrand’s Wonderful Display of Chin Strength.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 13 March 1937, p 36
“Advent of Great Joe Montferrand Hero of Many Epic River Battles.” The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, ON: 11 May 1935, p. 16
“Old-Time Stuff.” The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON: 15 November 1924, p. 32
“Ottawa RedBlacks owner explains Big Joe mascot name change.” CBC News, Posted: Mar 31, 2014 3:41 PM ET | Last Updated: April 1, 2014. Accessed November 2022.