Charlie Redstar: Manitoba’s Friendly UFO

For period of 16-18 months between 1975 and 1976, a mysterious red light was routinely seen flying through the skies of Southern Manitoba. The unidentified flying object appeared so often and to so many people that it was given the name "Charlie Redstar." At the time, the event was one of the biggest UFO flaps to have ever occurred, yet few people have ever learned about the sightings or ever heard the name of "Charlie Redstar." In this episode, we'll piece together some of the stories from various interviews, newspaper articles, and police reports, and consider what the this strange phenomenon call tell us about Canadian culture.
“Claims seeing UFO.” The Brandon Sun, 18 November 1975, p 1.
“Mystery objects sighted in sky puzzling many.” The Brandon Sun, 11 July 1975, p 2.
“Carberry woman pursued by UFO.” The Brandon Sun, 13 November 1975, p 3.
“Man Claims UFO Sighting.” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 April 1975.
“HIM followers ‘disappear’” Calgary Herald, 14 October 1975, p 11.
“‘True believers’ await paradise.” The San Bernadino County Sun, 9 October 1975, p 1
“Mixed feelings on UFOs.” The Leader-Post, Regina, 17 June 1975, p 20.
“UFO Parley Launched; Researchers Critical.” The Indianapolis Star, 14 June 1975, p 1.
“UFO Faithful Congregating in Canada City.” Tyler Morning Telegraph, Tyler, Texas. 14 June 1975, p 22.
“UFO sightings theorized.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 12 July 1975, p 14.
“UFO sightings ‘only Jupiter.’” Red Deer Advocate, 12 July 1975, p 14.
Boyce, Wayne. “UFOs seem common the Westman area.” The Brandon Sun, 2 December 1975, p 3.
Cameron, Grant. Charlie Red Star. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2017.
Cherneski, John. “Constable details sighting.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 18 June 1975, p 17.
Cherneski, John. “One UFO captured intact, researcher claims.” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, 18 June 1975, p 17.
Daley, Frank. “At the Movies: Timely study of unexplained.” The Ottawa Journal, p 62.
Fowke, Edith. Tales Told in Canada. Toronto, ON, Doubleday Canada Limited, 1986.
Lindt, Terry. “More ‘UFOs’ Spotted.” Waukesha Daily Freeman, Waukesha, WI, 9 April 1975, p 1.
McKay, Bert. “The year the UFOs arrived.” The Brandon Sun, 12 January 1976, p 16.
Rutkowski, Chris. “Chris Rutkowski Comments on JUGO Vol. 2:2.” Journal UFO, 1980 Vol. 2, No. 3, December 1980.
Rutkowski, Chris. “Charlie Redstar and Friends.” Unnatural History: True Manitoba Mysteries, Winnipeg, Manitoba: Chameleon Publishers, 1993.
Hicks, Graham. “Mystery objects sighted in sky puzzling many.” The Brandon Sun, 11 July 1975, p 2.
Jones, Jack. “20 disappear: ‘It’s so weird and far out.’” The Ottawa Citizen, 8 October 1975, p 41.
Savage, F. B. “Re: Robert DIEMERT.” Royal Canadian Mounted Police Correspondence, 75-085-7, 26 April 1975.
Savage, F. B. “[REDACTED] U.F.O. Sighting, Haywood Dist., Manitoba.” Royal Canadian Mounted Police Correspondence, 75-085-10, 5 May 1975.
Savage, F. B. “Re: Robert Edward DIEMERT.” Royal Canadian Mounted Police Correspondence, 75-085-12, 7 May 1975.
NRC REED OTT “4 / 5 Priority Dauphin May 5 / 75 Unclass.” National Research Council Meteor Centre Ottawa. 5 May 1975
Guest, G.B. “Unidentified Flying Objects – Sighting of, Dauphin, Manitoba – 4 May 75.” 75-085-7.