The Baldoon Mystery – Part 2

Part 2 of 2 continues our examination of the Baldoon Mystery with a look at the history and culture of the people who lived there. We'll also review of all the various theories about what was behind the strange events, and what ultimately brought them to an end. You'll hear about rumours of Faustian deals, about "little people" of Indigenous oral traditions, and about one of my favourite Canadian folk heroes of all time.
Colombo, John Robert. Mysteries of Ontario. Toronto: Hounslow Press, 1999. 197.
Colombo, John Robert. The Midnight Hour. Toronto: Dundurn, 2004.
Dunning, B. “The Baldoon Mystery.” Skeptoid Podcast. Skeptoid Media, 5 Aug 2014. Web. 5 Aug 2014.
Holder, Geoff. What is a Poltergeist?: Understanding Poltergeist Activity. F+W Media, Inc., 2012.
Jones, P. History of the Ojebway Indians; with especial reference to their conversion to Christianity. London: A. W. Bennett, 1860. 157-159.
Lambert, R. S. Exploring the Supernatural: the Weird in Canadian Folklore. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1955.
Laursen, C., Cropper, P. “The Baldoon Mystery.” Fortean Times. 1 May 2014, Number 315: 28-37.
Malcolm. “Unsolved Mystery: haunted house of the Baldoon settlement, a Tale of Forty years Ago.” Toronto Globe. 8 Sep. 1894, Newspaper: 10.
Mann, Frank. A History of Wallaceburg and Vicinity, 1804 to Present. Wallaceburg, ON: The Town of Wallaceburg. April 7, 1968.
McDonald, Neil T. The Belledoon Mysteries; an o’er true story. Wallaceburg, Ont.: Wallaceburg News Book and Job Print, 1870?.
McDonald, Neil T. The Baldoon Mystery: wierd [sic] and startling. Wallaceburg, Ont.: W. Colwell, 1910.
Phillips, Lisa and McDougall, Allan K. “The Baldoon Mysteries.” Phantom Past, Indigenous Presence: Native Ghosts in North American Culture and History. ed. Boyd, Colleen E. and Thrush, Coll-Peter. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
Reaney, James. “TROYER, JOHN.” Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 7, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed October 29, 2018
Robinet, Don. “Selkirk History Faire perpetuates lore of Baldoon Mystery.” Wallaceburg Courier Press. August 24, 2014.